Weekly journal – 26th May 2024

Apart from doing a bit of weeding yesterday, it’s been a quiet week in the garden. We do have some new things flowering which is always a pleasure of course. Most of my seedlings are doing well, though the tomatoes I grew from seed have died (but the ones Mum grew are thriving so I’ve got some of those now). We have fruit setting on the thornless blackberry, and lots of apples, raspberries and strawberries developing.

The front garden is looking unkempt and really needs some sorting out – I may try and do something with it tomorrow. A lot of shrubs need cutting back, though the rhododendron will have to wait till it’s finished flowering – it’s the most spectacular thing in the front garden at the moment, by some margin.

The back is untidy too but I like to think it has a slightly more romantically neglected atmosphere. Maybe.

The mimulus in the fence troughs are all doing well and flowering – I’m hoping the trailing lobelia will start to show some colour soon too.

Flowers are just starting to appear on the hypericum. I gave this a good hard cut back earlier in the year and it’s three times the size again.

In the middle bed is a dianthus with small, very dark red flowers – it has just started to flower this week, and seems to be spreading into a nice big clump.

There are foxgloves all over the place which I don’t mind at all. These ones have helpfully arranged themselves in order by shades of pink.

In the new bed at the bottom of the garden, this heuchera has clearly tripled in size since we planted it.

There was rain overnight, so the obligatory “water droplets on alchemilla leaves” photo has happened.

It’s a long weekend here, plus we have both taken Tuesday off as well, so if we get some good weather I’ll do some chopping back and tidying up. It’s actually not been too bad today but I am not in the gardening frame of mind unfortunately.

I hope you’re having a good weekend, wherever you are.

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